Analytical Instruments Catalog

Browse our catalog for more details about analytical instruments including airborne particle counters, elemental analyzers, GC-MS, HPLC, XRD diffractometer, spectrometers, and others to achieve accurate and reliable results. Our analytical instruments offer complete analytical solutions with advanced detection features and strong software integration.

Air Permeability Tester

Airborne Particle Counters

Airborne Particle Counters

Animal Analysis System

Animal Analysis System
Animal Imaging System
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Ball Mill Machine

Ball Mill Machine
Bilirubin Meter
Biochip Scanner
Biological Air Sampler

Capsule Filling Machine

Capsule Filling Machine

Colony Counter

Colony Counter
Color Assessment Cabinet


Dangerous Liquid Detector
Dew Point Analyzer

Dispersion Machine

Dispersion Machine
Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Dust Monitor
Elemental Analyzer

Environmental Monitoring Equipment

Environmental Monitoring Equipment
Explosive Disposal Devices
FISH Hybridization
Flame Photometer
Flammability Tester
Fluorescence Analyzer
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
Gas Chromatography
Gas Chromatography
Gas Detectors
Gypsum analyzer
Handheld Metal Detector
Haze Meter
Immunoassay Analyzer
Immunoassay Analyzer
Infant Weighing Scale
Ion Chromatography
Ion Chromatography
Laser Theodolite
Latex Stability Tester
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LCMS)
Metal Detector
Nano Spectrophotometer
NIR Spectrophotometer
Opacity Meter
Particle Counter
Particle Counter
Particle Size Analyzer
Particle Size Analyzer
PCR Machine
PCR Machine

Pharmaceutical Testing

Pharmaceutical Testing


Pressure Gauge


Sample Concentrator

Scintillation Counter

Scintillation Counter
Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer

Sound Level Analyzer

Sound Level Analyzer




Thermal analyzers

Thermal Cycler

Thermal Cycler
TOC Analyzer

Trace Detector

Trace Detector
Under Vehicle Surveillance System

UV Analyzer

UV Analyzer
UV-VIS NIR Spectrophotometer
Vehicle X-ray Scanner


Visible Spectrophotometer
Walk-through Metal Detectors
Wind Meter (Anemometer)
X-Ray Baggage Scanner
Xenon Lamp Spectrophotometer
XRD Diffractometer

Air Permeability Tester

Air Permeability Tester LFAP-A10

Dual Flow Airborne Particle Counter

Dual Flow Particle Counter LDPC-A10

Handheld Airborne Particle Counters

Handheld Airborne Particle Counter LHPC-A11

Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machine

Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machine LCFM-A10

Automatic Colorimeter

Automatic Colorimeter LACO-A10

Benchtop Colorimeter

Benchtop Colorimeter LCOM-A10

Portable Colorimeter

Portable Colorimeter LPCO-A10

Saybolt Colorimeter

Saybolt Colorimeter LSBO-A10

UV-Absorption Ozone Meter

UV Absorption Ozone Meter LUOM-A10

Fluorescence Analyzer

Fluorescence Analyzer LFMA-A10

Automatic Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer

Automatic Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer LIHA-A10

Infant Weighing Scale

Infant Weighing Scale LIWS-A10

Portable Ion Chromatography

Portable Ion Chromatograph LPIC-A10

NIR Spectrophotometer

NIR Spectrophotometer LNIR-A10

Continuous Particle Counter

Continuous Particle Counter LCPC-A10

Spray Particle Size Analyzer

Spray particle size analyzer LSPA-A10

Digital PCR Machine

Digital PCR Machine LDPR-A10

Powder Flowability Tester

Powder Flowability Tester LPFL-A10

Rotary tablet Compression Machine

Rotary tablet compression machine LRTCM-A10

Syrup Filling Machine

Syrup Filling Machine LSFM-A10

Tablet Counting Machine

Tablet Counting Machine LTCM-A10

Tablet Friability Tester

Semi-automatic Polarimeter

Semi-automatic Polarimeter LPMR-A20

Digital Refractometer

Digital Refractometer LDRF-A12

Liquid Scintillation Counter

Liquid Scintillation Counter LSCL-A10

Angular Spectrometer

Angular Spectrometer LASM-A10

Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer

Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer LAFS-A10

Hyperspectral Spectrometer

Hyperspectral Spectrometer LHSS-A10

ICP Mass Spectrometer

ICP Mass Spectrometer LICM-A10

Oil Emission Spectrometer

Oil Emission Spectrometer LOIL-A10

Explosive Gas Detector

Explosive Gas Detector LGED-A10

Handheld UV Analyzer

Handheld UV Analyzer LHUA-A10

UV-VIS NIR Spectrophotometer

UV-VIS NIR Spectrophotometer LUVS-A10

Cone and Plate Viscometer

Cone and Plate Viscometer LCPV-A10

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