Browse our catalog for more details about analytical instruments including airborne particle counters, elemental analyzers, GC-MS, HPLC, XRD diffractometer, spectrometers, and others to achieve accurate and reliable results. Our analytical instruments offer complete analytical solutions with advanced detection features and strong software integration.
Pharmaceutical Testing
Scintillation Counter
Sound Level Analyzer
Thermal Cycler
Trace Detector
UV Analyzer
Portable Airborne Particle Counters
Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-A30 Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-A10 Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-A11 Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-A20 Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-A21 Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-B10 Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-B11 Portable Airborne Particle Counter LPPC-B12Animal Gait Analysis System
Single Channel Gait Analysis System LGAS-A10 Treadmill-based Gait Analysis System LGAS-A11Animal Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Tester
Mouse Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Tester LVOR-A10 Zebrafish Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Tester LVOR-A11Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A23 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A20 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A21 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A22 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A11 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A13 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A12 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A14 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A24 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A25 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LAAS-A15Automatic Colony Counter
Automatic Colony Counter LCCA-A10 Automatic Colony Counter LCCA-A11 Automatic Colony Counter LCCA-A12Color Assessment Cabinet
Color Assessment Cabinet LCAC-A11 Color Assessment Cabinet LCAC-A10 Color Assessment Cabinet LCAC-A12Multi-Function Dispersion Machine
Multi-function Dispersion Machine LMDM-A10 Multi-function Dispersion Machine LMDM-A11Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B30 Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B31 Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B32 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B40 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B11 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B20 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B12 Double Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer LUS-B41 Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B42 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B23 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B43 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B33 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B10 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B13 Double beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B16 Double beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B17 Double beam UV-Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-B15 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B50 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B51 Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer LUS-B52Digital Differential Pressure Meter
Digital Differential Pressure Meter LDPM-A10 Digital Differential Pressure Meter LDPM-A20Explosive Disposal Devices
Explosive Disposal Ball LEDB-A10 Explosive Disposal Tank LEDT-C10 Explosive Disposal Fence LEDF-B10Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry GC-MS-879 Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry GC-MS-A10Gas Detectors
Handheld C2H4 Ethylene Gas Detector LEGD-A10 Portable Infrared Gas Detector LIGD-A10 Portable 10 In 1 Multi Gas Detector LMGD-A10 Portable H2S Gas Detector LPSG-A30 Portable SO2Gas Detector LPSG-A20 Portable NO2 Gas Detector LPSG-A21 Portable 2 In 1 Gas Detector LPTG-A10 Portable Single Gas Detector LPSG-A10 Portable Multiple Gas Detector LPMG-A10 Portable Nitrogen N2 Gas Detector LNGD-A10 Handheld C2H4 Ethylene Gas Detector LEGD-A11 Portable VOC Gas Detector LPVG-A10 Portable 2 In 1 Gas Detector LPTG-A11 Portable He Gas Detector LPHG-A10 Portable Nitrous Oxide Gas Detector LPNG-A11 Wall Mounted Gas Detectors LAGD-A10 Portable Multiple Gas Detector LPMG-A11 Portable NH₃ Gas Detector LPSG-B10 Portable SO₂ Gas Detector LPSG-A22 Portable Multiple Gas Detector LPMG-A12 Portable Multiple Gas Detector LPMG-A20 Portable 4 In 1 Multi Gas Detector LPGD-A10 Wall Mounted 2 In 1 Multi Gas Detector LAGD-A11 Portable Methane Gas Detector LPMG-A13 Portable Cl₂ Gas Detector LPSG-A31 Portable 4 In 1 Multi Gas Detector LPGD-A11Handheld Metal Detector
Handheld Metal Detector LHMD-A10 Handheld Metal Detector LHMD-A11 Handheld Metal Detector LHMD-A12Ion Chromatography System
Ion chromatograph system LICS-A22 Ion chromatograph system LICS-A21 Ion chromatograph system LICS-A20Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LCMS)
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry LCMS-310 Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry LCMS-A10Nano Spectrophotometer
Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-A10 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-A21 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-B11 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-C10 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-C12 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-C13 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-A20 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-B10 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-C11 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-D10 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-E10 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-E11 Nano Spectrophotometer LNS-E12Liquid Particle Counter
Liquid Particle Counter LLPC-A10 Liquid Particle Counter LLPC-A20 Liquid Particle Counter LLPC-A30Image Particle Shape & Size Analyzer
Image particle shape and size analyzer LISA-A10 Image particle shape and size analyzer LISA-A11 Image Particle Shape and Size Analyzer LISA-A12Laser Particle Size Analyzer
Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-A10 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-A11 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-A12 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-A13 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-B10 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-B11 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-C10 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-C11 Laser Particle Size Analyzer LLPA-A14Nano Particle Size Analyzer
Nano-particle size analyzer LNPA-A10 Nanoparticle Size Analyzer LNPA-A11Automated PCR Machine
Automated PCR Machine LAPM-A10 Automated PCR Machine LAPM-A11 Automated PCR Machine LAPM-A12Disintegration Tester
Disintegration tester LDIT-A10 Disintegration tester LDIT-A11 Disintegration Tester LDIT-A12Single Punch Tablet Press Machine
Single Punch Tablet Press Machine LSTP-A10 Single Punch Tablet Press Machine LSTP-A11 Single Punch Tablet Press Machine LSTP-A12Tablet Friability Tester
Tablet Hardness Testers
Tablet Hardness tester LTHT-A10 Tablet Hardness tester LTHT-A11 Tablet Hardness tester LTHT-A12Tap Density Tester
Tap Density Tester LTDT-A10 Tap Density Tester LTDT-A12 Tap Density Tester LTDT-A11Portable Refractometers
Portable Brake Fluid Refractometer LBFR-A10 Portable Coffee Refractometer LCR-A10 Portable Honey Refractometer LPHR-A10 Portable Protein Refractometer LPPR-A10 Portable Salinity Refractometer LPSR-A10 Portable Salinity Refractometer LPSR-A11 Portable Urea Refractometer LPUR-A10 Portable Coolant and Battery Refractometer LCBR-A10 Portable Brix Refractometer LPBR-A10 Portable Brix Refractometer LPBR-A11 Portable Brix Refractometer LPBR-A12 Portable Brix Refractometer LPBR-A20 Portable Brix Refractometer LPBR-A30 Portable Ethylene Glycol Refractometer LEGR-A10 Portable multi-purpose refractometer LPMP-A10 Portable Brix Refractometer LPBR-A40 Portable Salinity Refractometer LPSR-A12 Portable Brix Refractometer LPBR-A41Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer
Single Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-A50 Single Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-A51 Single Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-A52 Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-A10 Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-A11 Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-A40 Single Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-C10 Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-A20 Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-A21 Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-A22 Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LUS-A30Sound Level Meter-Calibrator
Accurate Sound Level Meter LSDM-A10 Sound Level Calibrator LSDC-A10 Sound Level Meter LSDM-A11Hyperspectral Camera
Hyperspectral Camera LHSC-A10 Hyperspectral Camera LHSC-A11 Hyperspectral Camera LHSC-A12Optical Emission Spectrometer
Optical Emission Spectrometer LOES-A10 Optical Emission Spectrometer LOES-A11 Optical Emission Spectrometer LOES-A12Portable Spectrophotometer
Portable Spectrophotometer LSP-A30 Portable Spectrophotometer LSP-A31 Portable spectrophotometer LSP-A10 Portable spectrophotometer LSP-A11 Portable spectrophotometer LSP-A12 Portable spectrophotometer LSP-A13 Portable spectrophotometer LSP-A20 Portable Spectrophotometer LSP-A40 Portable Spectrophotometer LSP-A41 Portable Spectrophotometer LSP-C10 Portable Spectrophotometer LSP-C11 Portable Spectrophotometer LSP-C12Advanced Thermal Cycler
Advanced Thermal Cycler (Basic) LATB-A10 Advanced Thermal Cycler (Basic) LATB-A11 Advanced Thermal Cycler (Basic) LATB-A12 Advanced Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LATG-A11 Advanced Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LATG-A12 Advanced Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LATG-A13 Advanced Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LATG-A10Touch Thermal Cycler
Touch Thermal Cycler (Basic) LTCB-A10 Touch Thermal Cycler (Basic) LTCB-A11 Touch Thermal Cycler (Basic) LTCB-A12 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A10 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A11 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A20 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A21 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A12 Touch Thermal Cycler (Basic) LTCB-A13 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A22 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A13 Touch Thermal Cycler (Gradient) LTCG-A23Explosive and Narcotics Detector
Portable Explosive and Narcotics Detector LEND-A13 Tabletop Explosive and Narcotics Detector LEND-C13 Tabletop Explosive and Narcotics Detector LEND-B13 Portable Explosive and Narcotics Detector LEND-A23 Portable Explosive and Narcotics Detector LEND-D13 Portable Explosive And Narcotics Detector LEND-A10Under Vehicle Surveillance System
Fixed Under Vehicle Surveillance System LFVS-B10 Portable Under Vehicle Surveillance System LPVS-A10Vehicle X-ray Scanner
Drive-through Vehicle X-ray Scanner LDVX-A10 Conveyor Vehicle X-ray Scanner LCVX-B10Rotational Viscometers
Rotational Viscometer LVM-D10 Rotational Viscometer LVM-D11 Rotational Viscometer LVM-D12 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A20 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A22 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A23 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A30 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A31 Rotational Viscometer LVM-B10 Rotational Viscometer LVM-B11 Rotational Viscometer LVM-C10 Rotational Viscometer LVM-C11 Rotational Viscometer LVM-C12 Rotational Viscometer LVM-C13 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A10 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A41 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A40 Rotational Viscometer LVM-D20 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A42 Rotational Viscometer LVM-D30 Rotational Viscometer LVM-D31 Rotational Viscometer LVM-A21 Rotational Viscometer LVM-D32Visible Spectrophotometer
Vis Spectrophotometer LVS-A10 Vis Spectrophotometer LVS-A11 Visible Spectrophotometer LVS-A20 Visible Spectrophotometer LVS-A30 Vis Spectrophotometer LVS-A12 Vis Spectrophotometer LVS-B10 Vis Spectrophotometer LVS-C11 Vis Spectrophotometer LVS-C10 Visible Spectrophotometer LVS-A21Walk-through Metal Detectors
Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A10 Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A11 Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A12 Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A14 Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A13 Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A15 Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A17 Walk through Metal Detector LWMD-A16 Walkthrough Metal Detector LWMD-A18X-Ray Baggage Scanner
X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A10 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A13 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A12 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A11 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A14 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A16 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A15 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A17 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A18 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-A19 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B10 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B11 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B12 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B13 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B15 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B14 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B16 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B17 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B18 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B19 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B20 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-C10 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-C11 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-C12 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-C13 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-D10 X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-B21 Portable X-Ray Baggage Scanner LXBS-E10Address:Labtron Equipment Ltd., Quatro House, Lyon Way, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7ER United Kingdom
Email: info@labtron.com Whatsapp: +44 20 8004 3587 Phone: +44 2080 043608