Analytical Instruments

Labtron has a wide range of advanced analytical instruments that are designed to provide precise and reliable data for your scientific research. With advanced technology and innovative features, these instruments streamline your analytical processes. Our analytical instruments offer a multitude of applications, from pharmaceutical and environmental research to food and beverage testing. Each instrument is built with a user-friendly interface, ensuring effortless operation and quick data analysis. We have a wide selection that includes, Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Acid Analyzers, Colorimeters, Environmental Analyzers, FISH Hybridization, Flame Photometers, Refractometers, Spectrophotometers, Viscometers, X-ray machines, and more.

Analytical Instruments : Capsule Filling Machine

Capsule Filling Machine

Analytical Instruments : Scintillation Counter

Scintillation Counter

Analytical Instruments : Sound Level Analyzer

Sound Level Analyzer

Analytical Instruments : UV Analyzer

UV Analyzer

Analytical Instruments : Airborne Particle Counters, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Ball Mill Machine, Biological Air Sampler, Capsule Filling Machine, Colony Counter, Color Assessment Cabinet, Colorimeter, Dispersion Machine, Dust Monitor, Elemental (CHN) Analyzer, Environmental Monitoring Equipment, Film Applicator, FISH Hybridization, Flame Photometer, Flammability Tester, Fluorescence Analyzer, Gas Chromatography, Gas Detectors, Ion Chromatography, Laboratory Meters, Latex Stability Tester, Liquid Chromatography, Metal Detector, Particle Counter, Particle Size Analyzer, Pharmaceutical Testing, Polarimeter, Refractometer, Sample Concentrator, Scintillation Counter, Sound Level Analyzer, Spectrometer, Spectrophotometer, Thermal analyzers, Thermal Cycler, TOC Analyzer, Trace Detector, UV Analyzer, Viscometer, Wind Meter (Anemometer), XRD Diffractometer.

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