Labtron Automated Cell Counter utilizes advanced imaging technology to deliver precise cell counts. They guarantee reliable outcomes even for the smallest cell sizes with a minimal sample volume. Experience quick results with their high-speed counting capabilities. These counters process samples in seconds and save valuable research time. Our Automated cell counters are widely applied across biomedical research, clinical diagnostics, pharmaceutical development, biotechnology, stem cell research, and more.
Amplification factor: 2.5 × 5 Megapixel
Focusing Method: Manual focusing and autofocusing
Cell Counting area: 2.15 mm × 1.62 mm
Cell Types determined: Cell lines, stem cells, primary cells, pollens, beer yeast
Sample Volume: 10 µl
Cell Counting Time: 30 seconds
Cell Concentration Range: 5×104 to 1×107 cells/mL
Cell Size Range: Detectable Range: 1 - 90 µmOptimal Range: 5 - 60 µm
Address:Labtron Equipment Ltd., Quatro House, Lyon Way, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7ER United Kingdom
Email: Whatsapp: +44 20 8004 3587 Phone: +44 2080 043608