Labtron Dosimeter can detect a wide range of radiation types, including gamma, X-ray, beta, and neutron radiation. These are equipped with advanced sensors to provide accurate radiation measurements. Their simplified controls coupled with a user-friendly display ensure effortless navigation. With its compact and portable design, our Dosimeter is easy to carry. They feature built-in data logging capabilities, enabling users to store and retrieve radiation measurement data.
Temperature Range: -20°С to +50°С
Measurement Ranges: dose equivalent rate (137 Cs): 0.01 μ Sv/h to 10 m Sv/h dose equivalent (137 Cs): 0.01 u Sv to 9999 Sv
Energy Ranges: X and Gamma radiation: 40 KeV to 3.0 MeV Beta radiation: 0.5 to 3.0 MeV
Display Unit: Dose rate: µ Sv/h, m Sv/h, Sv/h automatic conversion Dose: µ Sv, m Sv, Sv automatic conversion
Temperature Range: 40 °C to 50°C
Measurement Ranges: Counting rate: 0 to 500000 CPM, 0 to 8000 CPS Radiation dose rate: 0.01 to 10000 u Sv/h
Energy Ranges: 25 KeV to 7 MeV
Display Unit: CPM, CPS, Bq/cm2 , μ Gy/h ,μ Sv/h
Address:Labtron Equipment Ltd., Quatro House, Lyon Way, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7ER United Kingdom
Email: Whatsapp: +44 20 8004 3587 Phone: +44 2080 043608