Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B32

Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B32

Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B32 is bench top device with 190 nm to 1100 nm wavelength range, and offers spectral bandwidth of 0.5/1/2/4/5 nm. With T, A, C, E work mode it is designed with Hi, Med, Low (Max. 3000 nm/min) scanning speed range. The latest ARM system and long optical system ensure high accuracy and good stability of the instrument. The 10.1 inch TFT Touch colored display and it can perform powerful functions like Photometric measurement, Quantitative measurement, Kinetics, Spectrum scan, DNA/Protein test, Multi-wavelength test etc. This advance, high quality spectrophotometer supports USB data transfer and storage system.
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Wavelength range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 0.5/1/2/4/5 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1nm @ 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm @ all
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.1 nm
Optical system Double beam 1200 lines/mm
Photometric Range 0 to 200 %T, -0.3 to 3A, 0 to 9999 C (0 to 9999F)
Photometric Accuracy 0 to 200 %T, -0.3 to 3A, 0 to 9999 C (0 to 9999F)
Photometric Repeatability ≤0.15 % T (0 to 100 %T), 0.001A (0 to 0.5A), 0.002A (0.5 to 1A)
Detector Imported silicon photodiode
Light source Imported Deuterium and Tungsten lamp
Stray light ≤ 0.03 % T @ 220 nm, 360 nm
Stability ± 0.0003 A/h @ 500 nm
Data Output Port USB drive, USB host, RS232
Power supply AC 220 V, 50 Hz or 110 V, 60 Hz
Noise 0.0005 A @ 500 nm
Display 10.1 inches TFT colored capacitive touch screen
Baseline flatness ± 0.001 A
Printer port Parallel port
Work mode T, A, C, E
Scanning speed Hi, Med, Low (Max. 3000 nm/min)
Wavelength setting Auto
Cuvette holder 10 mm single hole cell holder
Dimension 880 × 690 × 520 mm
Gross weight 45 kg
  • Work mode T, A, C, E and scanning speed range Hi, Med, Low (Max. 3000 nm/min)
  • Designed with double beam 1200 lines/mm optical system
  • In-house massive memory is capable of saving up to 1024 M for test data & working curves
  • Designed with 10.1 inches high resolution TFT colored capacitive touch screen and windows Graphic interface
  • Large sample chamber can accommodate 5 to 100 mm cuvettes of all kinds
  • Equipped with powerful functions like Photometric measurement, Quantitative measurement, Kinetics, Spectrum scan, DNA/Protein test, Multi-wavelength test, etc
  • The USB port can be used for data transfer, which can easily exported to excel for further processing
  • Socket type deuterium and tungsten lamp can make lamps switching without optics debugging and easy to be replaced
Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer is used in high requirement for precision measurement in the research and production of organic chemistry, biochemistry, medical testing, food testing, environmental protection, water testing industries, etc.
Accessories no. Name
110 mm glass cuvette × 4
210 mm quartz cuvette × 2
32, power cord
4User manual
5PC software

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