Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B51

Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B51

Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B51 covers a wavelength range of 190 to 1100 nm with a 5 nm spectral bandwidth. It features a dual silicon photodiode detector for precise light measurements. Our Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer includes a proportional double-beam optical design to enhance accuracy. It comes with a prefabricated reagent, a test tube analysis program, and preprogrammed pipette testing making workflow more efficient.
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Wavelength Range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral Bandwidth 5 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 1.8 nm
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 1 nm
Wavelength Setting Automatic wavelength setting
Wavelength Resolution 0.1nm
Transmittance Accuracy ±0.4%T
Optical System Proportional double beam path
Grating Holographic diffraction grating
Photometric Range -0.602 to 4.0A 0 to 400%T
Photometric Accuracy ±0.002 A (0 to 0.5 A)
±0.004 A (0.5 to 1 A)
±0.8% T (0 to 100%T)
Photometric Repeatability ≤ 0.001A (0 to 0.5A)
≤ 0.002A (0.5 to 1 A)
≤ 0.1%T (0 to 100%T)
Detector Double-imported silicon photodiode
Stray Light ≤0.5%T (220 nm)
Baseline Drift ≤0.001A/h (500 nm, 0A)
Light Source Imported pulsed xenon lamp
Display Screen 5-inch color touchscreen
Display Size 480 × 272
Printout Micro-printer, PC Printer
Power Supply DC12V 3A
Packaging Dimension 400 × 420 × 300 mm
Gross Weight 14 Kg
  • 5-inch color touchscreen display
  • Automatic wavelength setting
  • Holographic diffraction grating
  • Micro-printer and PC Printer for printing
A double beam UV-visible spectrophotometer is used for quality control, technical analysis, and scientific research across fields like testing, medical research, biochemistry, environmental monitoring, commodity inspection, and petrochemical analysis.

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