Flake Ice Makers

Labtron Flake Ice Makers is optimized for production of small crushed dry ice with storage capacity of 10kg to 460kg. They operate with rotating drum and cutting blade to create uniform, thin frost shards efficiently. Their integrated storage bins maintain steady reserve for frozen water ensuring continuous supply. They feature automated controls for convenient monitoring and adjustment of production. Our Flake Ice Makers are versatile for enhancing presentation of beverages, in food processing, seafood industry and healthcare.


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Ice Maker

Ice Making Capacity

Ice Storage

Cooling Method


Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A10

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A10

Ice Making Capacity: 20 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 10 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A11

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A11

Ice Making Capacity: 30 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 10 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A12

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A12

Ice Making Capacity: 40 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 15 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A13
Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A13

Ice Making Capacity: 50 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 15 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A20
Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A20

Ice Making Capacity: 85 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 25 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A21

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A21

Ice Making Capacity: 100 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 40 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A22

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A22

Ice Making Capacity: 150 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 40 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A30

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A30

Ice Making Capacity: 200 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 60 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A31
Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A31

Ice Making Capacity: 250 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 60 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R290

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B10
Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B10

Ice Making Capacity: 300 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 200 kg

Cooling Method: Air cooling

Refrigerant: R404a

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B11

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B11

Ice Making Capacity: 500 kg/24 h

Ice Storage: 220 kg

Ice Cube Size: 1.5 to 2 mm

Condensation Method: Air/Water

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B12

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B12

Ice Making Capacity: 1000 Kg

Ice storage Capacity: 460 Kg

Refrigerant: R404A

Ice Making Time: 3 min

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-C10

Flake Ice Maker LFIM-C10

Capacity: 2000 Kg

Daily Output: 2 tons/day

Ambient Temperature: +25°C

Relative Humidity: 0.85

Flake Ice Makers :
Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A10, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A11, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A12, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A13, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A20, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A21, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A22, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A30, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-A31, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B10, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B11, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-B12, Flake Ice Maker LFIM-C10, and more.

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