Octane & Cetane Analyzer

Labtron Octane & Cetane Analyzer is specialized to measure performance of gasoline combustion and ignition quality of diesel fuel. They feature user-friendly interface for easy navigation and operation. Their calibration standards are traceable to national and international reference materials. They are equipped with graphical display for visualization of data and trends. Our Octane & Cetane Analyzer is versatile for refineries, fuel testing labs, and quality control facilities.


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Petroleum Testing Equipment

Cetane Number Range

Compression Ratio Range

Test Liquids

Measuring Range for Gasoline

Cetane Analyzer LCA-A10

Cetane Analyzer LCA-A10

Cetane Number Range: 0 to 100 (Typical testing CN range: 30 to 65)

Cast Iron Cylinder Bore (Diameter): 82.55mm (3.250 inch)

Piston Stroke: 114.30mm (4.50 inch)

Compression Ratio Range: Adjustable 8:1 to 36:1 by external handwheel assembly

Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-A10

Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-A10

Test Liquids: Diesel, Gasoline

Measuring Range for Gasoline: Aviation gasoline: 86.0 to 105.0/MON Automobile gasoline: 50.0 to 115.0/RON

Measuring Range for Diesel: Automobile diesel oil: 25 to 75/CN

Measuring Accuracy: Aviation gasoline: ≤ ± 1.5/MON Automobile gasoline: ≤ ± 1.5/RON, ≤ ± 1.5/MON Automobile diesel oil: ≤ ± 2.5/CN, ≤ ± 2.5/CI Retest of regression samples: ≤ ± 0.5/RON, ≤ ± 0.5/MON Test of regression sample: ≤ ± 1.5/RON, ≤ ± 1.5/MON Calibration accuracy: ≤ ± 0.2/RON, ≤ ± 0.2/MON

Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-A20

Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-A20

Measurement item: motor gasoline and diesel

measurement unit of octane is ON: 40 to 120

Permissible error of octane: ± 0.5 max

Fluctuate range of octane: ± 0.2 max

Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-B10
Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-B10

Octane number range: 40 to 125 ON

Maximum error limit octane number: ±0.5 ON

Maximum parallel ON difference: ±0.2

Antiknock range: 0.5 to 15 %

Octane Analyzer LOT-D10
Octane Analyzer LOT-D10

Working Range: 40 to 120 Octane Number

Cast Iron Cylinder Bore (Diameter): 82.55mm (3.250 inch)

Piston Stroke: 114.30mm (4.50 inch)

Cylinder Displacement: 0.61L (37.33 in³)

Octane & Cetane Analyzer :
Cetane Analyzer LCA-A10, Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-A10, Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-A20, Octane & Cetane Analyzer LOCT-B10, Octane Analyzer LOT-D10, and more.

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