Labtron Potentiometric Titrators precisely measure chemical concentrations by monitoring voltage changes during titration. They automate the process with programmable steps, minimizing manual work. They have user-friendly interfaces to ensure easy operation. Our titrators have built-in calibration and temperature adjustments to keep readings accurate. Safety features, such as alarms, prevent over-titration and protect samples. These are Compact and durable and can fit well in labs without taking up much space.
Measuring Range : pH: 0.00 to 14.00 pH mV: -1800.0 to 1800.0 mV Temperature: -5.0 to 105.0 °C
Measuring Accuracy : pH: ± 0.01 pH ± 1 bit mV: ± 0.03% (full scale) Temperature: ± 0.3 °C
Measuring Resolution : pH: 0.01 pH mV: 0.1 mV Temperature: 0.1 °C
Burette Volume Accuracy : 10 ml burette: ± 0.025 ml 20 ml burette: ± 0.035 ml
Measurement Range : pH: (0.00 to 14.00) pHmV: (-1800.0 to 1800.0) mVTemp: (-5.0 to 105.0)°C
Resolution : pH: 0.01 pH; mV: 0.1 mV; Temp: 0.1°C
Accuracy : pH: ± 0.01 pH ± 1 bitmV: ± 0.03 % (full scale)Temp: ± 0.3°C
Accuracy Of Burette Volume : 10 ml burette: ± 0.025 ml20 ml burette: ± 0.035 ml
Measurement Range : -2000.0MV to +2000.0MV -20.000PH to +20.000PH
Resolution : 0.1MV 0.001PH
Precision : 0.1MV 0.005PH
Measurement Mode : MEAS: measure pH /mV/ T CAL: pH calibration (multi-point) SET: Set the endpoint mode MET: equivalent titration DET: Dynamic Titration
pH Measuring Range : 0.000 to14.000 pH
mV Measuring Range : -1999.90 to 1999.90 mV
Temperature Range : -5.0 to 105.0 ℃
Temperature Sensor : 2.25K Ω, NTC
Measuring Unit Range : (−1999.0 to 1999.0) mV (0.000 to 20.000) pH
Measuring Unit Resolutions : 0.1mV, 0.01pH
Measuring Unit Accuracy : pH: ±0.01pH mV: ±0.03%FS
Measuring Unit Fluctuation : (±0.3mV±1bit) /3h
Address: Labtron Equipment Ltd. Quatro House, Lyon Way, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7ER United Kingdom
Email: Whatsapp: +44 20 8004 3587 Phone: +44 2080 043608