Potentiometric Titrator

Labtron Potentiometric Titrator incorporate automatic features for accurate detection of concentration. They support multiple titration methods with an in-built calibration for seamless operation. They display measured variables in mV, pH, dispensed volumes, and endpoints. These titrators smoothly integrate into lab workflows with their intuitive interface, touchscreen controls and connectivity options. Our reliable Potentiometric Titrator are preferable for research, quality control, and industrial laboratories.

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A10

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A10

Measuring Range: -2000.0mV to 2000.0mV (-20.000pH to 20.000pH)

Resolution: 0.1mV (0.001pH)

Precision: 0.1mV (0.003pH)

Temperature Range: -5°C to 120°C

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A11

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A11

Measurement Range: pH: (0.00 to 14.00) pHmV: (-1800.0 to 1800.0) mVTemp: (-5.0 to 105.0)°C

Resolution: pH: 0.01 pH; mV: 0.1 mV; Temp: 0.1°C

Accuracy: pH: ± 0.01 pH ± 1 bitmV: ± 0.03 % (full scale)Temp: ± 0.3°C

Accuracy Of Burette Volume: 10 ml burette: ± 0.025 ml20 ml burette: ± 0.035 ml

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A12

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A12

Measurement Range: -2000.0MV to +2000.0MV -20.000PH to +20.000PH

Resolution: 0.1MV 0.001PH

Precision: 0.1MV 0.005PH

Measurement Mode: MEAS: measure pH /mV/ T CAL: pH calibration (multi-point) SET: Set the endpoint mode MET: equivalent titration DET: Dynamic Titration

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A13
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A13

pH Measuring Range: 0.000 to14.000 pH

mV Measuring Range: -1999.90 to 1999.90 mV

Temperature Range: -5.0 to 105.0 ℃

Temperature Sensor: 2.25K Ω, NTC

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A14
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A14

Measuring Unit Range: (−1999.0 to 1999.0) mV (0.000 to 20.000) pH

Measuring Unit Resolutions: 0.1mV, 0.01pH

Measuring Unit Accuracy: pH: ±0.01pH mV: ±0.03%FS

Measuring Unit Fluctuation: (±0.3mV±1bit) /3h

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-B10

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-B10

Measurement Range: mV: ±1,999 mV pH: 0.00 to 14.00 pH

Resolution: 0.1 mV, 0.01 pH

Accuracy: 0.2 mV; 0.02 pH

Burette: Standard 15 ml Optional 25 ml

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator : Labtron Automatic Potentiometric Titrator are designed for precise potential measurement in the range of -1800.0 mV to +2000.0 mV. They ensure rapid filling and accurate burette volume control for efficient operation. Their linear motor transmission offers precise and controlled titrant delivery. They facilitate the storage of numerous titration results and allow easy customizations. Our table-top Automatic Potentiometric Titrator provide high-precision and cost-effective analysis in less time.
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