We manufacture UV test machine to simulate sunlight alongwith condenser and water spray system to simulate rain and dew. These chambers are used in various industries to detect the damage caused by environmental factors.
Lamp Quantity : 8 UV lamps
Lamp Lifetime : >1600 hours
Uv Temperature Range : 45 ℃ to 70 ℃
Black Temperature Range : RT+10 ℃ to 80 ℃
Temperature Range : RT + 100 °C ~ 850 °C
Humidity range : At 400 °C: R.H. is 40 % ~ 85 % / At 800 °C: R.H. is 30 % ~ 50 %
Testing Time : 20 hours
Testing Voltage : 120 V ~ 145 V (135 V)
Temperature Range : RT + 100 °C ~ 630 °C
Humidity range : 30 % ~ 85 % RH
Testing Time : 20 hours
Testing Voltage : 120 V ~ 145 V
Address: Labtron Equipment Ltd. Quatro House, Lyon Way, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7ER United Kingdom
Email: info@labtron.com Whatsapp: +44 20 8004 3587 Phone: +44 2080 043608