Labtron Xray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer offers an advanced range of tabletop and portable spectrometer for solid, liquid, or powdered sample analysis. They can measure a broad range of elements from Na, Mg, or S to U, covering nearly the entire periodic table. These can simultaneously perform multi-elemental analysis down to parts per million. They include non-destructive testing and built-in cooling systems. The handheld models feature durable construction and long-lasting batteries for reliable performance. Our Xray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer have high-resolution detectors and advanced safety features, ensuring accurate and safe analysis.
Detection Limit: 1 ppm
Elemental Content: 1 ppm to 99 %
Temperature Range: 15°C to 30°C
Temperature Repeatability: 0.001
Analyzable elements: Sulfur (S) to Uranium (U)
Detection limit of the analysis: 1 ppm
Analyzable content: 1 ppm to 99.99%
Detector: SDD Detector
Measurable Elements: Sodium (Na) to Uranium (U )
Precision: 0.0005
Analytical Range: ppm to 99.99 %
Analysis Time: 60 sec to 200 sec
Analytical Method: Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analytical Method
Elements Measuring: Atomic number from 12 to 92 [elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U)] can be measured
Range: Simultaneous detector
Content measurement range: ppm to 100%
Analytical Method: Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence
Elements Measuring Range: Atomic Number From 12 To 92 [Magnesium (Mg) To Uranium (U)]
Elements Analysis Limit: 40 Elements (Simultaneous)
Measurement Range: ppm to 99.99%
Analytical Method: Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
Elements Measuring Range: Atomic Number From 12 To 92 [Magnesium (Mg) To Uranium (U)]
Elements Analysis Limit: 40 Elements (Simultaneous)
Measurement Range: ppm to 99.99%
Address:Labtron Equipment Ltd., Quatro House, Lyon Way, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7ER United Kingdom
Email: Whatsapp: +44 20 8004 3587 Phone: +44 2080 043608