Pipetting Workstation

Labtron Pipetting Workstation range include automatic, semi-automatic, and manual models. These workstations cover volume ranges from 0.5 to 1000 µL, supporting applications across PCR, enzyme, and cell culture plates. Their compact, space-saving designs, make them easy to integrate into any lab setting. They employ advanced air displacement technology in both automatic and manual models, minimizing cross-contamination. Our pipetting workstations are reliable choices for precise and efficient pipetting operations in laboratories.

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A10

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A10

Plate: 3 to 6 plates

Pipetting Range: 96 / 384 Channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Core Index 1: Range: 0.5 to 10 µL Accuracy: 1 µL ± 8%; 10 µL ± 2% CV: 1 µL ≤ 6%; 10 µL ≤ 1.5%

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A11

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A11

Plate: 6 to 10 plates

Pipetting Range: 96 / 384 Channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Core Index 1: Range: 0.5 to 10 µLAccuracy: 1 µL ± 8%; 10 µL ± 2%CV: 1 µL ≤ 6%; 10 µL ≤ 1.5%

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A20

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A20

Plate: 6 plates

Pipetting Range: 8 Channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Core Index 1: Range: 0.5 to 10 µLAccuracy: 1 µL ± 8%; 10 µL ± 2%CV: 1 µL ≤ 6%; 10 µL ≤ 1.5%

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A21
Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A21

Plate: 12 + 4 plates, additional 18-well reagent tube racks

Pipetting Range: 8 + 8 / 96 Channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Core Index 1: Range: 0.5 to 10 µLAccuracy: 1 µL ± 8%; 10 µL ± 2%CV: 1 µL ≤ 6%; 10 µL ≤ 1.5%

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A22
Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A22

Plate: 12 + 4 plates, additional 18-well reagent tube racks

Pipetting Range: 8 + 8 / 96 Channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Core Index 1: Range: 0.5 to 10 µLAccuracy: 1 µL ± 8%; 10 µL ± 2%CV: 1 µL ≤ 6%; 10 µL ≤ 1.5%

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A30

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A30

Pipetting Range: 4/8 channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Range: 0.5 to 1000 µL

Precision: ≤ 5%(200 µL)

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A31

Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A31

Pipetting Range: 8 channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Range: 1 to 1000 L

Precision: ≤ 5% (200 µL)

Manual Pipetting Workstation LMPWS-A10

Manual Pipetting Workstation LMPWS-A10

Plate: 4 plates

Pipetting Range: 96 channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Core Index 1: Range: 0.5 to 20 µLAccuracy: 1 µL ± 8%; 10 µL ± 4%CV: 1 µL ≤ 6%; 10 µL ≤ 2%

Semi-Automatic Pipetting Workstation LSPWS-A10
Semi-Automatic Pipetting Workstation LSPWS-A10

Plate: 2 to 3 plates

Pipetting Range: 96 channels

Pipetting Technique: Air displacement

Core Index 1: Range: 0.5 to 10 µLAccuracy: 1 µL ± 8%; 10 µL ± 2%CV: 1 µL ≤ 6%; 10 µL ≤ 1.5%

Pipetting Workstation :
Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A10, Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A11, Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A20, Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A21, Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A22, Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A30, Automatic Pipetting Workstation LAPWS-A31, Manual Pipetting Workstation LMPWS-A10, Semi-Automatic Pipetting Workstation LSPWS-A10, and more.

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